Grand Ave (651) 699-3905
Vandalia St (651) 642-WOOF
University Ave E (Capitol) (651) 291-2667

Grand Ave (651) 699-3905
Vandalia St (651) 642-WOOF
University Ave (Capitol) (651) 291-2667

trick training

Trick Training

Give your dog the opportunity to hang with our daycare trainer for one-on-one training sessions to learn brand-new tricks.


Not only will your pup be able to physically drain energy playing with their friends, but they’ll now be able to engage their brain to tire them out. A dog that learns new tricks is doing physical brain work! They’re creating new neural pathways, and the positive reinforcement they receive helps drop that happy dopamine brain chemical, which makes them even more motivated and engaged!

Drop your dog off for daycare as usual. Your dog will receive a one-on-one training period between 10am and 3pm. Each period lasts anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes but, on average, 25 minutes. The session time depends on your pup’s engagement and paw-gress with the training.

Each dog progresses with its tricks at a different rate, so you will receive updates along the way with their progress through a report card. If your dog attends Trick Training more than 3x per week, you will receive a report card on their final session of the week. We will also provide you with information on how to work with them at home to further their training! The more opportunity we all give your dog to work on their tricks, the sooner they will come to fruition, so we recommend adding training sessions onto multiple daycare reservations!

If your dog is a super stellar rock star scholar, they can learn many different tricks with Dog Days’ help! And that’s when you can show off their talents at your next dinner party!! Although showing off the tricks is the tangible value of Trick Training, we cannot express how much more your dog gets out of these sessions. Dogs that attend Trick Training go home extra snoozy, are more excited to attend daycare, and have such strong bonds and connections with the staff they train with.


Cost: $16 per trick training session.
Select from four different lists:

1. Foundation Training/Novice Tricks

2. Intermediate Tricks

3. Advanced Tricks

4. Cooperative Care


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Have questions on something we haven’t answered here? Send our Trainer an email, [email protected].